Harb Ahlia
- 2021

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 35 Mins

Where to watch

Harb Ahlia
- 2021

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 35 Mins

Amazing drama.
6.5 IMDB --


Maryam, with the help of her psychiatrist, tries to get closer to her daughter Tamara after her divorced husband and his new wife implanted hatred in her heart towards her mother. Now available on CBC

Created by

Ahmed Adel Sultan


Drama , Mystery

Original Language


Spoken Language


Series cast

Bassel Khayyat
Bassel Khayyat
Jamila Awad
Jamila Awad
Arwa Gouda
Arwa Gouda
Rushdy El Shamy
Rushdy El Shamy

Trailers and videos


Season 1

Season overview

Maryam, with the help of her psychiatrist, tries to get closer to her daughter Tamara after her divorced husband and his new wife implanted hatred in her heart towards her mother.

Mariam goes to see her daughter, Tamara and tries to get closer to her after her psychiatrist advises her to do so.
Youssef marries Farida while Tamara blackmails Nancy with the videotape.
Tamara achieves her goal and wrecks Nancy and Khaled's relationship.
An anonymous message comes to Farida informing her of Youssef's and Mariam's marriage.
Mariam discovers that Youssef has stolen the hospital that she built with her hard work.
Farida advises Youssef not to sell Mariam's Hospital immediately so that no one will suspect him.
Mariam takes Tamara to the hospital and takes care of her.
Nadine threatens Tamara that she will expose her if she tells her father what she saw.
Farida hides her knowledge of Nadine and Youssef's relationship and pretends that she knows nothing.
Nadine informs Youssef of her pregnancy and they agree to abort the baby.
Tamara tells her father about Nadine and Youssef's relationship.
Nadine takes advantage of Aziz's death to tell everyone that she is pregnant with his son.
Farida has a hard time forgiving Youssef and living with him.
Mary takes her first step of her revenge on Youssef.
Maryam and Farida tell Youssef how their plan against him started.
After the police come to take Youssef from Mariam's house, Farida and Mariam go to bring Tamara back.
Ziad's mother insults Nour and tells her that Mariam prefers Tamara over her.
Youssef threatens Farida that he will expose the video he recorded of her if she does not return home with him.
After Nour goes to blame Mariam for what Ziad's mother told her, Mariam goes to confront Ziad's mother.
Mariam goes to convince Farida's father that Youssef is threatening her.
Nour is preparing for her marriage, and Hussain starts planning to steal Maryam.
Hussein tries to alert the man who is stealing the house, but things don't go as planned.
Mariam accuses Youssef and Nadine of what happened.
Kisho begins to rethink what Nadine is asking of him.
Mariam goes to Hussein's house and sees Youssef there.
Farida's father dies and Mary comes to take her from Youssef.
Kisho's father visits Cairo just to see Mariam.
Mariam threatens Youssef with his sister if he does not do what she asks of him.
Kisho tells Sarah the truth.

Shashah Review

A unique series in the Arab world. Basel Khayat and Yousra succeed in presenting their characters in a distinctive and creative way in interesting and exciting events. Although the series has a slow and an uneventful start, after the first three episodes of the show the events start to escalate, and the mystery and suspense begins. The good production of the series helps it's success.