Luobat Niutun
- 2021

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 36 Mins

Where to watch

Luobat Niutun
- 2021

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 36 Mins

Must watch!
8.8 IMDB 8.4


Many obstacles stand in the way for a man and his wife, who decide to have their newborn child on American land, seeking to get him citizenship, which puts their marriage at risk. Now available on dmc

Created by

Tamer Muhsen


Drama , Mystery

Original Language


Spoken Language


Series cast

Mona Zaki
Mona Zaki
Mohamad Mamdouh
Mohamad Mamdouh
Mohamed Farag
Mohamed Farag
Sayed Ragab
Sayed Ragab
Mayan El Sayed
Mayan El Sayed

Trailers and videos


Season 1

Season overview

Many obstacles stand in the way for a man and his wife, who decide to have their newborn child on American land, seeking to get him citizenship, which puts their marriage at risk.

Hana travels to the United States of America to attend an agricultural conference, but in reality, she wants to migrate illegally hoping that her husband will catch up with her.
After their plans fail to gather in America, Hazem asks Hana to return to Egypt but she refuses, which leads to a violent fight between them over the phone.
Hana faces many problems and difficulties on her way to the airport. So will she be able to arrive in time to catch her plane to go back to Egypt or will she miss the flight?
Hana becomes homeless after being evicted from the apartment, so she calls Zay and he comes to help her and takes her to his apartment, but getting a house becomes her least fear when she gets there.
Shaheen talks about Hazem's wife badly and provokes him, which leads him to do an unexpected thing and then run away to his house, and Hana asks her friend Zay about the source of his money, then she goes to get her passport at the police station and meets Munis And ask him to get a job and they start to get know each other more.
Shaheen is buried in the same place where he died, and Badr acquires Hazem from Shaheen's blood in his own way, then he gives him a message from Hana. After that, Hazem and Hana communicate and express their longing.
Badr asks Hazem to work with him and invites him to have a party he is hosting, where Hazem discovers something he didn't know about Hana in America, and Hana quarrels with Zay and he threatens her with expulsion from the house.
A verbal altercation occurs between Hazem and Hana after knowing about her residence, and Hana is shocked that Munis is the one who told Hazem about it and that he knows him a long time ago. Then, Hazem discovers Badr's real work, and Munis confesses something to Hana that will change everything.
Hana leaves Munis' home after he confessed his love for her, and Munis goes to Zay and tries to bribe him to tell him about Hana, but soon they quarrel and threaten each other. Munis returns to Egypt and talks with Hazem, and Hana decides to stay in America and rely on herself.
Hana goes into premature labor and goes to the hospital hardly and tries to contact Zay to come to her. Amina tries to get close to Hazem.
Hana suffers a nervous breakdown after Hazem divorces her in an audio recording on the WhatsApp application, and the doctors doubt her mental integrity and ability to take care of the child. Hazem asks for help from Munis, and Badr suspects Hazem and Amina's relationship.
Hana goes to Munis's house, who tells her that legal actions must be taken to take back her child, so Hana sit with a psychiatrist, but things don't go in her favor.
Hazem gets the visa. Zay comes to Munis's house to take Hana with him, but Munis gets furious, and the lawyer tells them that the child must be handed over to his father. Sarah's jealousy makes her call Hazem and Amina also tells him something shocking.
Hana tells the court that Munis is the child's biological father and requests that he be given temporary custody, and Hazem quarrels with Hana when he knows. Munis blames Sarah for what happened and yells at her, but Hana has something to say when it is time for the last court.
Hana speaks from the heart in the court. Munis asks for Hana's hand in marriage so she tries to evade the answer, but Sarah tells him that registering the child in his name is forbidden, so he tells her that he asked Hana to marry him.
Sarah tells Hana that she doesn't mind her marriage to Munis, so she decides to accept, but Ziyad tries to persuade her to change her mind. And Bader expels Hazem, but he objects and determines to produce the honey with opium.
The date of the wedding of Mounis and Hana comes when an unexpected surprise occurs. While they return to Egypt, Hazem decides to travel to America, but it turns out that he is banned from traveling. And Amina leaves Badr.
Yara goes with Hana and Mounis to his family's house. Hana goes to the police station to visit Hazem, where a fiery confrontation takes place between them.
Hazem and Mounis face-off after Hana worries about if her marriage to Mounis is legal, then Mounis goes to Hazem's house to end the matter.
Hazem and Mounis agree on a date to complete the official divorce procedures, and Hazem decides to travel to France.
The atmosphere becomes very tensed after Hana comes to Hazem with Ibrahim and everyone meets in the apiary. Hazem and Amina travel and Hana forces her sister to live with her in Munis's house.
Hazem avoids completing the official divorce papers and travels to France. Hana takes over the management of the apiary, and Mounis returns to America.
A secret investigation is opened about the opium honey industry, and Hazem bargains over the divorce paper in exchange for Hana relinquishing the management of the apiary project.
Hana and Hazem fail to reach an agreement about their divorce, then she asks Zay to come to Egypt, and knows that Nariman is Mounis's biological mother.
Badr collapses when he knows that Amina's disease is not treatable, and Zay returns to Egypt. Then Mounis's family checks the identity of Ibrahim's father, which makes Mounis angry.
Mounis gets close to Hana physically without her consent after Hazem told him that he had handed her the divorce paper, so she escapes from the house.
Mounis suffers a breakdown after Hana has left, and Hazem gets Ibrahim back after a quarrel with Mounis's family, then Hazem marries Amina.
Mounis tries to talk with Hana, but she refuses. The police are pursuing investigations about the honey with opium with Shamba who tells them a lot of important things.
Hana refuses to talk with Mounis again, so he goes to Hazem to settle things. Then the police arrest everyone who is related to cultivating opium. And Mounis goes to America with Ibrahim.
Bader is being investigated about opium cultivation. Hazem and Hana try to catch Mounis in the airport before he travels to America with Ibrahim.

Shashah Review

A distinguished series with good intertwined story and unexpected events in each episode, within the director's creativity in making the viewer change his feelings the way he wants. Supported by genius characters building and the gradual change of each character in a convincing reality. In addition to the mastery of all the actors presenting the traits and their opposites. Add to that, the VFX are definitely the best and the sound effects are used in their right place to make you fully live the situation.
With each episode end, you will be thrilled to see the next one. Definitely a must-watch series and suitable for thrilling mysterious drama fans.