The series revolves around a love story in the sixties between a talented young journalist who opposes the union between Syria and Egypt and a blind girl from an important family at that time. Miramar runs away with Murat to get away from her controlling brother. Years later, specifically in 2009, Miramar becomes a mystery to some investigators, and Murad himself who wants to know the location of her body.
The series revolves around a love story in the sixties between a talented young journalist who opposes the union between Syria and Egypt and a blind girl from an important family at that time. Miramar runs away with Murat to get away from her controlling brother. Years later, specifically in 2009, Miramar becomes a mystery to some investigators, and Murad himself who wants to know the location of her body.
Noaman goes to report the murder of singer Miramar and confesses to Lieutenant Youssef about her murder in 1961, which leads to reopening the case.
In 1959, Murad pursues Miramar, so Burhan and his men attack him.
A man asks Samaher and Naamo to prepare for a big party for an important person.
Miramar's father asks her to marry and stay away from singing.
Youssef feels that someone has removed Miramar's body and gets pressured to leave the case.
Youssef meets Hoda to ask her about Miramar, and she tells him that she was killed.
Burhan asks Oum Riad to hire Kahraman to work for her in the club.
Youssef is trying to gather information about Sheikh Abdul Jabbar.
The Brotherhood attacks Chicago Street and the people manage to kick them out of the street.
Youssef's father tries to hit his mother because of the money.
Murad, Miramar, Hosni and Georgette hide in a basement while Burhan tortures Hoda into telling him where they are.
Samaher visits her mother and reminds her of the marriage, abortion and hysterectomy she suffered because of her father.
After Burhan tortures Georgette, she tells him that everyone has fled to Turkey.
Sheikh Abdul-Jabbar plans to steal the treasure buried under Uom Riad's pub.
Burhan asks Samaher to kill his assistant, Abdo, in exchange for a large fortune.
Abdul-Jabbar descends into an underground vault and digs into the ground in search of treasure.
Murad meets Samaher and asks her who named her by the name "Miramar".
The elders keep digging secretly under Stella's pub, and Murad hides Miramar in his grandmother's house.
Youssef's father tries to sell the house and search for Samar.
Murad goes to talk to Shams in hopes to learn more about the last time she saw Miramar.
Burhan is asked to get rid of Kahraman after discovering that she is a spy for the English.
Mais tells Youssef that something fishy is happening with her at her job.
Burhan interrogates Kahraman and orders her murder.
Tawoos asks Burhan for money, who agrees in exchange for the murder of Mourad Akash.
Karmo and Samaher go to Murad, who asks her to tell him Burhan's location.
One of Burhan's men informs him that Murad and Miramar are in the cinema.
Burhan asks Samaher to kill Youssef, unaware that he is her brother.
Burhan discovers where Miramar is hiding.
Burhan kills Samaher for refusing to kill her brother Youssef.
Murad flees with Miramar to the desert and marries her.
Murad takes Burhan to Miramar's burial place and threatens to kill him.
Shashah Review
An extraordinary, controversial and rebellious Syrian romantic drama series with a mysterious historical touch.
The series swings between two different periods of time by a complex time shift technique, it contains unique shooting and colorful scenes, high quality production from Kaband Media and great harmonious performance from all the actors.
Its full of political, religious, social, economic and artistic connotations. Shows many contradictions and dilemmas that forms the fabric of Syrian reality and also discusses many existential issues like love, death and power.
If you are interested in bold modern drama, this series is one of a kind but not suitable for family viewing