Thursday's Widows
- 2023
Average Episode Runtime - 0 Mins

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Thursday's Widows
- 2023
Average Episode Runtime - 0 Mins

Teresa finds her husband and his two best friends dead in the lavish community where they live. As the truth comes to light, so will dark secrets.
Created by
Original Language
Spanish; Castilian
Spoken Language
Spanish; Castilian
Series cast
Omar Chaparro
Cassandra Ciangher...
Irene Azuela
Juan Pablo Medina
Zuria Vega
Alfonso Bassave
Trailers and videos
Limited Series
Season overview
Two teens snoop on private — and even perverse — occurrences within the community. Tano pressures the new tenant and is later bitterly surprised.
Tano's troubles at work are disclosed — all while Teresa brags about her family's future. A snarky remark and a suspicious phone call rattle Mavi.
Various facets of Mariana's personality are revealed, including her frustrations with Ernesto — and Ramona's frustrations with her.
Martín's downfall begins with a fateful turn in his political career, plunging him and Lala into uncomfortable situations — financially and beyond.
Carla receives a dire warning from Rosa, accompanied by unexpected news. The pivotal decisions she makes — and Gustavo's true colors — are unveiled.
Mavi's fears come to the surface. As a shocking text message makes waves, the wives must consider abandoning their idyllic bubble... or doubling the bet.