Twisted Metal
- 2023

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 30 Mins

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Twisted Metal
- 2023

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 30 Mins

-- IMDB --


A motor-mouthed outsider with no memory of his past is offered a chance at a better life, but only if he can successfully deliver a mysterious package across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With the help of a badass axe-wielding car thief, he’ll face savage marauders driving vehicles of destruction and other dangers of the open road, including a deranged clown who drives an all too familiar ice cream truck.

Created by


Comedy , Action & Adventure

Original Language


Spoken Language


Series cast

Anthony Mackie
Anthony Mackie
John Doe
Stephanie Beatriz
Stephanie Beatriz
Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe
Sweet Tooth
Will Arnett
Will Arnett
Sweet Tooth (voice)
Thomas Haden Church
Thomas Haden Churc...
Agent Stone

Trailers and videos


Season 1

Season overview

A motor-mouthed outsider with no memory of his past is offered a chance at a better life, but only if he can successfully deliver a mysterious package across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With the help of a badass axe-wielding car thief, he’ll face savage marauders driving vehicles of destruction and other dangers of the open road, including a deranged clown who drives an all too familiar ice cream truck.

A motormouthed outsider is offered a better life if he can deliver a package across a wasteland.
John finds his mission thwarted by two unpredictable adversaries; Agent Stone recruits new members.
John and Quiet are caught in an unexpected trap; Agent Stone tests the loyalty of his new recruits.
John makes a dangerous deal to get desperately needed supplies; Quiet questions her future.
Quiet closes in on her search for revenge; John gets incapacitated; Sweet Tooth wreaks havoc.
John and Quiet seek shelter from a dangerous storm in a familiar place; Quiet reflects on her past.
John and Quiet make a pit stop; John reunites with a contact; Sweet Tooth bonds with a follower.
John and Quiet go undercover on a rescue mission; John faces an out-of-control opponent.
Unexpected allegiances begin to form; Quiet gets to work; John makes amends.
Everything comes to a head as John and Quiet face a difficult choice; new players enter the fray.