- 2022

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 40 Mins

Where to watch

- 2022

1 Season
Average Episode Runtime - 40 Mins

Modern social drama
5.3 IMDB --


A story about how to correct a wrong path that he went through it for a long time. It is a story about second chances.

Created by

Ayman Salama


Original Language


Spoken Language


Series cast

Riham Haggag
Riham Haggag
Abeer Sabry
Abeer Sabry
Safaa Al Toukhy
Safaa Al Toukhy
Mohamed ِِAl-Kilani
Mohamed ِِAl-Kilan...
Karim Kassem
Karim Kassem
Mahmoud Hegazy
Mahmoud Hegazy
Mahmoud Hafez
Mahmoud Hafez

Trailers and videos


Season 1

Season overview

A story about how to correct a wrong path that he went through it for a long time. It is a story about second chances.

Through social framework, we see Khaled, the captain who married a woman that is older than him, so his family had broken away from him after that marriage. Before his marriage, he met Yara in her wedding party, and Yousef who did not like him for that he felt Khaled has feelings for Yara. Present, Khaled is trying to be close to the family, he attends his relative’s birthday party, but he leaves after his mother. He meets Yara in a café to help him reconnect with the family, Yousef is watching them, suspicious.
Yara tells Khaled that her husband wants her to break away with him, then leave the café, they hit a lady by the car while they are back, the lady is died, they decide to run away and to hide the fact about hitting the lady. Yousef does not tell her about that he knows they were together, Yara is remorseful.
Yara is more stressed, she anonymously received photos about her and Khaled yesterday during the car accident while Monira is ordering Yasser to apologize to Waleed and reset him to work at the hospital. Yara is trying to fix the relationship between Yousef and his sister after he has caught her with a guy in the house.
Dr. Hatem in the hospital bed, everyone around him, he tells them his will, and asks Yousef to take care of his daughter, Yara. Yousef has disagreement with Yara after he knew about that Khaled was in her mother’s birthday. Yara and Khaled goes to face the anonymous guy who has sent the photos of the accident.
Yara visits her father, he asks her about the reason she was calling Khaled lately, she unusually lied to him, Yousef comes to make sure his wife is visiting her father for real. Dr. Hatem receives many calls from Maha, therefore, he got effervesce of Monira’s request to answer her. Khaled and Yara are trying to reach settlement with (Shawqi), the man who has the photos.
Khaled refuses the doctor request to file a case against Shawqi, Dr. Hatem asks Khaled to negotiate with Shawqi after that Yara has told him the truth of the story at all, Shawqi refuses to negotiate with Khaled. Khaled refuses his wife’s offer to give him the 20 Millions that Shawqi want to keep his mouth closed.
Yara meets Shawqi to negotiate with him to reduce the amount of money he is asking for, he accepts to take five Millions and a night with her, she throws a glass of water to his face and leave. Sarah accepts to marry Yehia, the guy who was with her in the house. The relationship is getting stronger between Amira and Yousef, he called Yara while Amira is in his office, but Yara told him she is with Amira.
Yara and Khaled had to pay ten Millions to Shawqi, preventing him to send the photos of the accident to police. unfortunately, Yousef sees them both after they had given the money to Shawqi, accuses Yara of betrayal. Yasser files a fake case against Waleed, about that he stole the safe’s money.
The police takes Yara from her house because of the car accident that Yousef made by her car, Monira tries to call Hatem while he is spending time with Maha, his second wife. Yara is shocked that Yousef is the one who reported her after he saw conversations between her and Khaled.
Amira reach the money that her husband, Yasser has stolen from the hospital safe while Yara is in the public prosecutor’s office with her father support, asking divorce after what Yousef has done. Shawqi took money from Yousef to present a false testimony to the prosecution. Yara and Khaled is out of prison because there is insufficient evidence against them.
Yara has sad time remembering her romantic moments with Yousef, Yasser comes in to tell her that his mind could not stop spinning, he tells her that he divorced Amira. Yousef meets Amira in his office, tells her he would not divorce Yara, she offers him to marry her, have a baby. Yara goes to Yousef’s house to ask him to divorce her, she found Amira, they accuse each other of cheating.
Dr. Hatem discovers the pregnancy of his second wife, he enters to find her in a comma because she was trying to rid of the baby, then immediately takes her to hospital and decides to tell everyone about this secret relationship. Yara files a request to return to her job while his father is recommending a lawyer to do a divorce case against Yousef.
Dr. Hatem tells his wife the whole story about his second wife, narrates his suffering and causes that drove him to marry her, she tells him either to divorce her or to divorce the second wife. Yasser demands one of his men to get the memory card of the observation camera inside Youssef house to make sure of Amira’s cheating, Yasser and Amira are blackmailing each other after he made sure she is cheating for real.
Yara and Khaled are going to the police department, providing clues to prove her innocence, without her father’s or her lawyer’s advice. The police officer took a force with him to Shawqi’s place, he did not found him, neighbors say that he is in Iraq right now, and some say that he is living in town with his wife.
Khaled has doubts about Huda, his wife, and she also has doubts about his relationship with Yara, and that after Yousef has manipulated her thinking, therefore, her perspective of the relationship. Suddenly, Yara asks Khaled to come to her as fast as he can to her house after Shawqi’s assault.
A bloody confrontation between Yara and Amira after Yara has heard the fake rumors that Amira announced. Yara threatens Amira by the videos she has for her and Youssef in bedroom. Dr. Hatem discovers that Nairah is after his second wife’s abortion. Amira asks Yousef customary marriage, to avoid Yara’s threats.
Conflicts accelerate between Youssef and Yara, for he has a new plan to involve Yara in a new case, he successfully lures her and Khaled to a house, then he calls the police to come, and they did. Dr. Hatem threatens Naira, the accountant, to tell him that his son who asked her to cause the abortion.
Previously, Amira saw Huda and told her that there is a secret relationship between her husband, Khaled, and Yara, but now she has an essay in a website called “Seventh Day” with a controversial title, says “Scandal of a businessman accusing his wife of adultery.. cheating wife arrested with her lover”.
Yasser, Yara’s brother files a case against his father, Dr. Hatem, and he tells the lawyer to start working on the case while the prosecution is investigating with Yara, which tries to commit suicide in the court, his father takes her to the hospital. Huda is asking divorce from Khaled because of Amira’s rumors.
Out of nowhere, Huda discovers Khaled’s audio records which containing conversations between Khaled and Shawqi, planning the car accident that killed the women early, she also discovers that the killed woman is actually Shawqi’s wife, and they wanted her died to take her money, therefore, she goes to see Yara to tell her the whole truth she discovered.
Khaled is sitting with his mother, he still knows nothing about what Huda and Yara know now, his mother is telling him to divorce Huda to marry Yara. Yara is dealing with Huda to put a plan to take revenge from Khaled.
Huda went to see Youssef, she showed him all the records which prove that Khaled is after all the bad things happened between him and Yara, but Youssef did not believe her. Yasser tries to transfer all the money in his father account to his account, telling his father either to divorce his second wife or to give all the fortune he has to the family members. Therefore, Dr. Hatem got sick.
Dr. Hatem wakes up in the hospital to see his two wives confronting each other, he files a case against his son for his second wife’s abortion. Youssef is still thinking bad of Yara, he takes another plan, asking for a doctor testimony about the voice message.
Amira and Youssef have a conflict after she has announced that she is pregnant from him, but Youssef is sterile, so he kicks her out. Youssef goes to Yara asking her to forgive him, but she also kicks him out the house. Khaled managed to get his cellphones back after he has threatened Shawqi with a gun.
Khaled enters a big conflict with Yara and Huda, he meets them during a romantic night with Huda, but he surprisingly finds Yara, Shawqi, and Shawqi’s wife. Khaled shows his blind hate to Yara and Huda for they were born rich, but Yara has recorded all that and sent it to the family.
Yasser goes to Khaled to figure out what is inside Amira’s head, while Khaled is trying to escape away from Egypt by the money he has stolen. Yara refuses Yasser’s offer for she to return to her husband so he will return the money to their father.
Youssef goes to his sister Sarah, telling her how much he regrets what he did to Yara, and asking her to talk with her, convincing her to get back to him. unpredictably, Yara decides to return to him, against her father will.
The news reach to Amira, she got angry after she knew that Youssef and Yara are going to get back together, she promises to do her hardest to forbid this reunion. Norhan is asking Dr. Hatem to divorce her, but he refuses, telling her he will never be able give up with her.
Youssef has organized a party, he invited all his friends and relatives to apologize to Yara in a proper way and in front of all the people. Yara surprisingly refuses his apology, then she shows a video when Youssef and Amira were planning evilly on her, and another video that documents the confrontation between Shawqi and Khaled, on public.
Yasser got arrested after his father has filed a case against him for stealing his bank account, Norhan has a coma after what happened with her son. After that, Norhan asks Hatem to abdicate the case, he agrees and abdicates it, Yasser hugs him overwhelmingly. Yara sends Shawqi’s wife to Khaled to convince him to leave Egypt by the money she got secretly. Shawqi stabs Khaled after Huda and Yara have convinced him that he has an affair with his wife. Yara lives in peace with her daughter Malak!.

Shashah Review

A new Egyptian drama series casting Riham Hajaj, Tawfik Abdalhameed, and Abeer Sabri, directed by Samih Abdalazziz.

The post-modern social problems and dark side of the human nature are the core idea of such drama work, which its antagonist, a maritime navigation office who sacrifices her career and future for her husband, then asks her to stay away from her cousin who is her childhood friend, then events become uncontrollable. All the factors of such work are swinging between modest to high-modest scale of excellence, from performance to scenes shooting, script, and dialogues. On the other hand, there are some good directional skills and well-made twists, plots, subplots, and untraditional conclusion, but unfortunately predictable scenarios.

I think that the social factor in TV shows industry is a very important factor on many levels, but why it has to be combined with the personal side of some characters?
Could be better, recommended if you are into social drama that revolves around characters’ personal and secret lives.