طاش ما طاش
- 1993

19 المواسم
متوسط ​​وقت تشغيل الحلقة - 30 دقائق

يعرض على

طاش ما طاش
- 1993

19 المواسم
متوسط ​​وقت تشغيل الحلقة - 30 دقائق

-- IMDB --


في إطار الدراما الكوميدية ، تدور أحداث المسلسل حول قضايا ومشاكل السعوديين على وجه الخصوص ، حيث يعمل كل منهم في حلقة مختلفة.

الجهة المنفذة

ناصر القصبي , عبد الله السدحان


كوميديا , دراما

اللغة الأصلية


اللغات المنطوقة



ناصر القصبي
ناصر القصبي
عبدالله السدحان
عبدالله السدحان
زينب العسكري
زينب العسكري
فهد الحيان
فهد الحيان
بشير الغنيم
بشير الغنيم
سناء بكر يونس
سناء بكر يونس
إلهام علي
إلهام علي

مقطع فيديو دعائي


الموسم التاسع عشر

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يعود "ناصر القصبي" و"عبدالله سدحان" في إطارهم الكوميدي المحبوب والمعتاد ليسلطوا الضوء على القضايا والمشكلات الموجودة والتي تواجه المجتمع السعودي بشكل يومي.

يستيقظ "أبو نزار" و"ابو هزار" وعائلتيهما في السيارة بعد أن تعرضوا لصاعقة، ليكتشفوا بعد عودتهم بأنهم قد ناموا لوقت أطول بكثير مما يبدو.
يتذكر "أبو علي" جميع أخطاءه التي ارتكبها في الماضي بعد زيارة صديقه واستشارته للمحامي، لكن فعلته هذه تضع الجميع في خطر القبض عليهم.
يتعرض "فؤاد" الذي يعمل كسائق "أوبر" للابتزاز من قبل إحدى الزبائن، فيلجأ إلى والد زوجته لحل تلك المسألة.
يشتري "أبو سليمان" جامع التحف جرة فخارية قديمة، ليكتشف بعد محاولة الكثيرين شرائها بأنها أثمن بكثير مما تبدو عليه.
بعد أن خسر "عبدالله" الصحفي المعروف عمله، يجد نفسه مضطراً لصناعة محتوى لأحدى نجوم مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.
يدفع الهوس بالمظاهر الخارجية الخدّاعة أحد رجال الأعمال لصرف مبالغ مالية طائلة لكسب اهتمام إحدى القبائل التي يرغب بالانضمام إليها.
يقرر "أبو فهد" الذي يعاني من مرض الزهايمر زيارة حارته القديمة، ينتهي به المطاف متزوجاً وغارقاً في الحب مرةً أخرى.
تقوم إحدى النساء بإنشاء مجموعة مكونة من نساء أخريات، هدفها إبادة جميع الرجال، مما يدفع الرجال للهرب والبحث عن ملاذ آمن.
تنقلب رحلة "عبدالهادي" إلى الإمارات رأساً على عقب حينما يلتقي بـ"حمد" الذي لا يترك له مجالاً للتنفس ويعتقد بأنه ملزم بإطاعة أوامره.
يعقد "أبو زنيفر" صفقة عمل على "عثمان" فيوافق عليها، لكن يدرك في وقت متأخر بأن الندم لن ينفعه حيث أنه الخاسر من ذلك الاتفاق.
بعد أن عاد "خالد" إلى قريته بناءً على طلب والده، يكتشف بأن والده يسعى للحفاظ على نسل العائلة ويطلب منه بأن يتزوج.
يسعى "أبو فهد" للزواج مرة أخرى بعد وفاة زوجته، مما يثير حنق أبنائه، فيقررون اللجوء إلى خالهم ليحاول منعه.
يُنقل "حمد" في عمله من فرع إلى آخر ليجد أن طاقم العمل مكون من النساء فقط. فيبدأ بالاهتمام بشكله مما يثير حنق زوجته ويدفعها للشك والغيرة.
يشعر "سعود" بالاستياء من إدمان أجهزة المحمول وتأثيرها على حياة عائلته، فيقرر التصرف ويحاول التخلص من تلك العادات السيئة.
بعد أن أخبرته زوجته برغبتها بالتخلص من أشياءه القديمة، يعثر "أبو أسعد" على ذكرى تدل على خطأ ارتكبه في السابق بحق أحدهم، فيقرر تصحيح هذا الخطأ.
تدفع رغبة "أبو فهد" بالزواج من والدة متنمر القرية بأن يطلب المساعدة لإقناعها بالموافقة. لكن يتوضح له لاحقاً بأنه قد تورط في قدر هائل من المشاكل.
يدفع الفضول "منصور" لوضع جهاز تنصت في منزله من أجل معرفة الأحاديث التي تدور في غيابه وما هي آراء أولاده في والدهم.
يكتشف والد "نورا" موهبتها الخفية في كرة القدم فيقرر منعها من تنميتها خوفاً من أحاديث الناس.
تجري الشرطة تحقيقاً حول حادثة منزلٍ محترق ولم ينجو منه إلا شخص واحد. يتبين لهم لاحقاً أن الأمر أكبر بكثير من حريق اعتيادي.
بعد استيقاظه من غيبوبة طويلة، يكتشف رجلٌ بأن زوجته قد تزوجت من رجل آخر، ويجد نفسه في مواجهته وجهاً لوجه.

Season 18

نظرة عامة على الموسم

مسلسل تلفزيوني كوميدي سعودي. بدأ عرضه عام 1993 وإستمر اكثر من سبعة عشر عامًا، وفي هذا الجزء الثامن عشر يتم التركيز على مشاكل المجتمع السعودي بشكل خاص.

Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saud society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.
Saudi comedy TV series. It began showing in 1993 and lasted for more than seventeen years, and in this eighteenth part, the focus is on the problems of Saudi society in particular.

Season 17

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يستمر المسلسل الرائع (طاش ما طاش) في جزئه الـ17 بحلقات منفصلة حيث في كل حلقة تناقش مشاكل المجتمع السعودي بقالب كوميدي ساخر.

The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.
The wonderful series (Tash Ma Tash) continues in its 17th season, with separate episodes, where in each episode, the problems of Saudi society are discussed in a satirical comic form.

Season 16

نظرة عامة على الموسم

مجموعة حلقات منفصلة، كل حلقة تتحدث عن مشاكل المجتمع السعودي بكوميديا ساخرة، وأحيانًا وقلما يكون بعض حلقاتها درامية أو مرعبة، وهو من بطولة النجمين السعوديين عبدالله السدحان وناصر القصبي.

A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.
A group of separate episodes, each episode talks about the problems of Saudi society with satirical comedy, and sometimes and rarely some of its episodes are dramatic or terrifying, and it stars the two Saudi stars Abdullah Al-Sadhan and Nasser Al-Qasabi.

Season 15

نظرة عامة على الموسم

في سياقه الكوميدي المعروف، وفي موسمه الخامس عشر يتناول المسلسل الشهير (طاش ماطاش 15) مواضيع ومشاكل إجتماعية عديدة، ملقيًا الضوء عليها ومحاولًًا معالجتها.

In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.
In its well-known comedic context, and in its fifteenth season, the famous series (Tash Matash 15) deals with many social issues and problems, shedding light on them and trying to address them.

Season 14

نظرة عامة على الموسم

في إطار درامي وكوميدي ، تدور أحداث المسلسل حول قضايا ومشاكل المجتمع السعودي على وجه الخصوص ، من خلال حلقات منفصلة متصلة ، حيث تتناول كل حلقة قصة مختلفة ومنفصلة عن باقي الحلقات.

In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.

Season 13

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يتناول هذا الجزء العديد من المشاكل والقضايا الاجتماعية حيث يعرض مشكلة التجارة في الأسهم، وكذلك سباق التحافل بالسيارات وما تسبب فيه من وقوع ضحايا كثيرة، وغيرها من القضايا المختلفة بالمجتمع الخليجي.

This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.
This deals with the largest part of the social problems and issues, as it presents the problem of trading in stocks, as well as carpooling and the casualties it causes, and other common issues in Gulf society.

Season 12

نظرة عامة على الموسم

تدور الأحداث في إطار كوميدي حول عدد من قضايا المجتمع السعودي، حيث تتناول في كل حلقة قصة وموضوع مختلف، ومن بينها: الانتخابات، وبلا أجنحة، وسيد الخواتم، وهرب الجمل بما حمل، ولا إفراط ولا تفريط، وغيرها من الموضوعات.

The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: elections, without wings, The Lord of the Rings, the escape of the camel with its load, neither excess nor negligence, and other topics.

Season 11

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يواصل كل من الفنانين (ناصر القصبي)، و(عبدالله السدحان) للعام الحادي عشر على التوالي تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الاسكتشات الكوميدية التي تسخر من كافة مناحي الحياة في المجتمع السعودي.

Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.
Artists (Nasser Al-Qasabi) and (Abdullah Al-Sadhan) continue for the eleventh year in a row to present a variety of comic sketches that make fun of all aspects of life in Saudi society.

Season 10

نظرة عامة على الموسم

تدور الأحداث في إطار كوميدي حول عدد من قضايا المجتمع السعودي، حيث تتناول في كل حلقة قصة وموضوع مختلف .

In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.

Season 9

نظرة عامة على الموسم

تدور الأحداث في إطار كوميدي حول عدد من قضايا المجتمع السعودي، حيث تتناول في كل حلقة قصة وموضوع مختلف، ومن بينها: الكرش، والمغاتير، وفندق الحمولة، والخروف، وكوابيس وردية، وغيرها من المواضيع.

The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.
The events revolve in a comic framework around a number of issues of Saudi society, as each episode deals with a different story and topic, including: the rumen, the invaders, the cargo hotel, the sheep, rosy nightmares, and other topics.

Season 8

نظرة عامة على الموسم

تدور الأحداث في إطار كوميدي حول عدد من قضايا المجتمع السعودي، حيث تتناول في كل حلقة قصة وموضوع مختلف .

In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.
In a dramatic and comic framework, the events of the series revolve around the issues and problems of Saudi society in particular, through separate connected episodes, where each episode deals with a different story and separate from the rest of the episodes.

Season 7

نظرة عامة على الموسم

المسلسل يحاول معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي بإطار كوميدي ساخر. فلكل حلقة قصة وعادة ما يفتح الفنانين ناصر وعبدالله الباب للجميع بإرسال قصص أو كتابات ويقوم فريق العمل بمعالجتها دراميًا.

The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.

Season 6

نظرة عامة على الموسم

المسلسل يقدم معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي بإطار كوميدي ساخر. فلكل حلقة قصة وعادة ما يفتح الفنانين ناصر وعبدالله الباب للجميع بإرسال قصص أو كتابات ويقوم فريق العمل بمعالجتها دراميا.

The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series deals with the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.

Season 5

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يحاول المسلسل معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي والعربي بإطار كوميدي ساخر. فلكل حلقة قصة وعادة ما يفتح الفنانين ناصر وعبدالله الباب للجميع بإرسال قصص أو كتابات ويقوم فريق العمل بمعالجتها دراميا.

The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi and Arab society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.

Season 4

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يحاول المسلسل معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي بإطار كوميدي ساخر. فلكل حلقة قصة وعادة ما يفتح الفنانين ناصر وعبدالله الباب للجميع بإرسال قصص أو كتابات ويقوم فريق العمل بمعالجتها دراميًا.

The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.

Season 3

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يحاول المسلسل معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي بإطار كوميدي ساخر. فلكل حلقة قصة وعادة ما يفتح الفنانين ناصر وعبدالله الباب للجميع بإرسال قصص أو كتابات ويقوم فريق العمل بمعالجتها دراميًا.

The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.

Season 2

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يحاول المسلسل معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي بإطار كوميدي ساخر. فلكل حلقة قصة وعادة ما يفتح الفنانين ناصر وعبدالله الباب للجميع بإرسال قصص أو كتابات ويقوم فريق العمل بمعالجتها دراميا.

The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework. Each episode has a story, and the artists, Nasser and Abdullah, usually open the door to everyone by sending stories or writings, and the work team deals with them dramatically.

Season 1

نظرة عامة على الموسم

يحاول المسلسل معالجة قضايا المجتمع السعودي بإطار كوميدي ساخر، من خلال قص عن التربية الحديثة، وكيفية معاملة العمال، والمحسوبية، وغيرها من القضايا الاجتماعية المؤثرة.

The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.
The series attempts to address the issues of Saudi society in a satirical comic framework, through stories about modern education, how workers are treated, nepotism, and other influential social issues.